
Not Quite!!!


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These are the Neopets that didn't quite make it to Neopets.com




For legal reasons Neopets had to change the Fuzio, so they had a poll to decide what the new one should look like.



Because Neopets liked two of the other choices so much they made them into Petpets!

Carma              Noil   



Number 3 ACTUALLY won so they compromised in between the runners up, 4 and 5!




The old Jetsam was out of date, so Neopets decided to change it.




The old Mynci was out of date, so Neopets decided to change it.




The Tatsu wasn't very well-liked, so Neopets decided to change it.



Mystery Island Pets!

When Mystery Island came out peeps where asked which Mystery Island pet they wanted to be able to get.



Bad Drawings!!!

These were drawings Neopets did that well, needless to say did NOT make it on the site : )


April Fools!

These were the "makeovers" Neopets announced on April 1st 2001 : )

Kacheek                         Quiggle                            Kiko                            Meerca


Blumaroo                         Scorchio                            Lupe                            Chia


Acara                         Aisha                            Moehog                            Wocky


Flotsam                         Jetsam                            Grundo                            Korbat


LOL! I thought it was funny that the April Fools Flotsam and Jetsam looked alot like the original ones : )



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