
Maps: O to Z!!!!!!


This section is designed for your ultimate convenience, if you don't like the design, feel free to Neomail me. 

Above is the previous looks of the map, at the bottom is the newest look of the map. Have Fun!!!



Map Evolution


Shops Map

Video Store is still around... Arcade is still around... All the shops are on one page (Neopian Bazaar didn't exist yet)... No Cartoon Network... No 99dogs store... No Spykids Theatre... No price changes... No Neopets Stuff

Cartoon Network is still around... Spykids Theatre is still around... No 99dogs store... No price changes... No Neopets Stuff

Spy kids Theatre is still around... No 99dogs store... No price changes... No Neopets Stuff

No 99dogs store... No price changes... No Neopets Stuff

No Neopets Stuff

Current Map!!!


Terror Mountain

Whack-a-Beast is still around... No Snow Dogs

Current Map!!!


Tyrannian Plateau

No Tyrannian Arena, Tyrannian Weaponry, GoGoGo, or Kacheekers... War Tent is still around... No pictures around the Pterattack sign... Town Hall sign in different position... Still a link to the old Volcano... Chomby for Chomby and the Fungus Balls in different place... Time Machine still around (See Other for Time Machine)

Current Map!!!


Tyrannian Valley

No Obelisk... Switch-a-roo is still around... Different Sunset design... Smaller map Size

Obelisk is still around... Switch-a-roo is still around... Different Sunset design... Smaller map Size

Obelisk is still around... Smaller map Size

Current Map!!!


Virtupets Space Station

No Splat-A-Sloth... No Discount Cards... No Grundo Warehouse... No Neopets v2... No Evil Fuzzles Game... Older map design

No Discount Cards... No Grundo Warehouse... No Neopets v2... No Evil Fuzzles Game... Titles are below instead of above the doors

No Evil Fuzzles Game

Current Map!!


Deleted Maps!!!


Tyrannian Volcano

This picture is the Volcano that you could get to from the old Tyrannian Plateau. Everything from here was either taken to the Tyrannian Plateau or deleted.


Maraqua Map

Maraqua was destroyed by an evil Kiko Skeleton...

...there was a whirlpool for a while...

...and now it looks like this!



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