
The Items: Other!!!


This section is designed for your ultimate convenience, if you don't like the design, feel free to Neomail me. 

To the left is the current look of the items, to the right is the past looks or look of the item. Have Fun!!!





Blue Cap                                  Orange Cap                              Yellow Cap



Aisha T-Shirt                 JubJub T-shirt - JibJib T-shirt                 Mynci T-Shirt



         Eyrie Sweater - Tatsu Sweater                  Straw Hat                              Leather Jacket





                           Air Faerie                              Dark Faerie                                 Earth Faerie



Fire Faerie                                Light Faerie                                 Water Faerie





Bad Seed




       Baby Doll                                          Balloons                               Beautiful Golden Ring



  Giftboxes                                   Happy Birthday Card                             Jewelry Box



Stunning Silver Ring


Grooming Items!!!


Blue Long Hair Brush                    Green Long Hair Brush                  Red Long Hair Brush



Blue Short Hair Brush                  Green Short Hair Brush                  Red Short Hair Brush



Brown Eyeshadow                         Green Eyeshadow                         Gold Eyeshadow



Midnight Eyeshadow                       Purple Eyeshadow                      Sky Blue Eyeshadow



Red Blush                                     Tan Blush



Black Lipstick                        Dark Red Lipstick                            Gold Lipstick



Green Lipstick                        Pink Lipstick                             Red Lipstick



Tye Dye Lipstick


    Shampoo                                 Conditioner                                  Hairspray    



Blue Mirror                              Black Mirror                                  Green Mirror    



Blue Nail Varnish                         Black Nail Varnish                         Red Nail Varnish



Purple Nail Polish




Blue Neocoin                                         Gold Neocoin                                         Green Neocoin



Pink Neocoin                                         Purple Neocoin                                         Red Neocoin





Average Nerkmid                                     Good Nerkmid                                     Lesser Nerkmid



Super Nerkmid                                  Ultimate Nerkmid                                     Ultra Nerkmid



Paint Brushes!!!


Blue Paint Brush                                Checkered Paint Brush                                Cloud Paint Brush



Disco Fever Paint Brush                           Electric Paint Brush                                Faerie Paint Brush



     Fire, Fire, Your Pants
      On Fire Paint Brush                               Glass Paint Brush                                  Glowing Paint Brush



Gold Paint Brush                                     Green Paint Brush                            Halloween Paint Brush



Invisible Paint Brush                                     Purple Paint Brush                            Rainbow Paint Brush



                   Red Paint Brush                               Shadowed Paint Brush                     Silver Paint Brush



Sketch Paint Brush                                     Skunk Paint Brush                            Split Paint Brush



     Speckled Paint Brush                              Spotted Paint Brush                              Starry Paint Brush



      Stone Paint Brush                     Strawberry Fields Forever Paint Brush                Striped Paint Brush



     White Paint Brush                                Christmas Paint Brush                              Yellow Paint Brush





Blue Acara Plushie                        Green Acara Plushie                        Red Acara Plushie



Yellow Acara Plushie


Blue Chia Plushie                                   Green Chia Plushie                                   Yellow Chia Plushie



Red Chia Plushie                                   Yellow Chia Plushie                                   Evil Chia Plushie



Angel Chia Plushie


       Blue Cybunny Plushie                         Green Cybunny Plushie                        Yellow Cybunny Plushie



     Blue Peophin Soft Toy                         Green Peophin Soft Toy                         Red Peophin Soft Toy



Orange Peophin Soft Toy


Blue Wocky Plushie                               Green Wocky Plushie                       Rainbow Wocky Plushie



Red Wocky Plushie                        Yellow Wocky Plushie





Red Bouncy Ball                             Yellow Bouncy Ball



Jingly bell                                          Luxury Bell



Red Bike                                                   Gold Bike                                     Pink Racing Bike



Red Mountain Bike                                          White Bike      



        Blue Fuzzle     -      Blue Flurby                              Green Fuzzle     -     Green Flurby



                   Orange Fuzzle   -   Orange Flurby                                  Pink Fuzzle     -     Pink Flurby



                     Purple Fuzzle    -    Purple Flurby                             Rainbow Fuzzle - Rainbow Flurby



       Yellow Fuzzle   -   Yellow Flurby


  100% Fake Uni mask                                          Clock                                                Instant Roses



Model Uni - Model Horse                                              Neonip Critter



Rainbow Pencil                                        Sketch a Pic                                            Toy Train



Springy Toy - Wormy the Worm





           Bitten Book       -       Nimmo Yoga                                  Book of Bones - Saving Private Jetsam



Bound Magic Book - Moovie                         Chained Book - Cooking with Lenny



Golden Shoyru Book - The Chetrix - The Petrix                  Book of Vision - Skreech



Book of Ice Magic - Revenge of the Birds                   Locked Book - Adventures of Bloop



                                                                                                                                       The Good, the 
 Nimmo Joe Book - Usuls Day Off - Fuzios Day Off                       Book of Pain   -   Kacheek and the Ugly



Scaled Magic Book - Kiko goes boom                   Book of Sea Spells - Eyrie, Indiana - Tatsu Rain



Book of Splinters - The Thingi from Majingi                   Solid Steel Book - U-504



Popular Neopian Stories - My Little Uni                   Book of Symbols - My Little Uni II



Book of Bizarre Tales - Chia Don't Cry

- Bruce Don't Cry
                   Warped Book - Scorch Little





Jub Jub Totem - Jib Jib Totem



Unicorn Gem - Unicorn Paint Brush



Deleted Items!!!


Gelert Full Armour

(They just split it up into other items. Gelert Tail Armour, Gelert Helmet etc...)



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