
The Shops!!!


This section is designed for your ultimate convenience, if you don't like the design, feel free to Neomail me. 

To the left is the current look of the Shopkeeper, to the right is the past looks, or look of the Shopkeeper. Have Fun!!!



Shopkeepers of Retired Shops


               Utility Fish Shopkeeper          Maraqua Food Shopkeeper     Maraqua Pet Pet Shopkeeper


(Maraqua was destroyed by a VERY EVIL Kiko Skeleton!!!)


Video Store Shopkeeper


Other Shopkeepers


The Shop Wizard




The Book Shopkeeper


The Toy Shopkeeper


The Bank Skeith


Magic Shopkeeper


Battle Magic Shopkeeper


Slushie Shopkeeper


Defence Magic Shopkeeper


Food Shopkeeper


Hospital Shopkeeper


Garden Center Shopkeeper


The Money Tree


Kitchen Quest Fish 

(He got away form Maraqua when it was destroyed. Then he set up shop on Mystery Island)



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